Thursday, October 3, 2013

Winter 14 features really exciting

We will focus on various enhancements available in Winter 14 pre release. The key features I have highlighted in winter 14 release are listed below.

Enhanced Look ups

As a starter let’s drill down a bit deeper with the new winter 14 upgrade feature. We don’t have to worry about the clumsy search box any more. Welcome to Winter 14 era of look ups unlike its predecessor new version of look ups allows you to search for records with different items or fields rather than using the name as the search criteria.  For instance you can if we are using the look up field built on accounts to search for contact we can include the search key words as E-mail or First Name. For the list of searchable fields by objects kindly refer the link below.
Note: This option is currently available for only accounts, contacts, and custom objects. It’s not available
For the user object.

Please make sure you have enabled the enhanced look ups in the search settings in your organization set up.

Chatter upgrades
                Winter 14 has its new set of features in its chatter settings in search functionality. Which includes enhanced global search settings in the mobile device’s native app and one more interesting feature compact Layouts

Compact layouts overview:
In Chatter mobiles compact layouts display a records key page and designed for viewing record pages in mobile devices.
Except these fields compact layouts are available for all other fields in chatter mobiles.

o   text area
o   long text area
o   rich text area
o   multi-select picklist

In other words compact layouts are the page layouts like standard sales force page but with additional features to display items on it and also Salesforce mobile is now re named as Salesforce Classic.
                In addition to these features Archived chatter groups allow users to focus on the users who have more activities and feeds. With all these features chatter is now up-graded and now more efficient.

Social Accounts and Contacts
In Salesforce winter 14 edition a use can see his leads and contact’s social images even if they are not offline and also in the list page they can see the available social accounts for all the records.
Refer this image below.

Additional enhancements in

State and country picklists:
State and country pick lists are now available in Salesforce. It allows the users to select the standard valued for states and countries for the available standard lists. These pick list are configured based on ISO-3166 making them compatible with other application as well. This feature can now be configured under the data management settings in the set up menu.

Workflow rules for user objects:
                The most striking upgrade feature available in the winter 14 release is the ability to create work flows in user object. Now administrators will have the ability to create work flow actions and rules for the user object. This reduces lot of time In creating the custom logic using Apex.

Other upgrades to consider:
Apart from these upgrades there are so many other minor and upgrades in the click and point arena and also few important upgrades ion apex and visual force as well. They have also included few tags and attributes which are the pilot components like <apex:input tag> and few attributes for HTML 5 components and also few methods in the database object such as database.merge(), database.getdeleted() and database.getupdated().

So many useful features in Winter 14 release. I have dug only few key features in this blog and hope the uses of the other upgrades will also play a crucial part in the design and development area.